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Sage leaf imprinted ring from Victoria, BC by Swallow Jewellery
Sage leaf imprinted ring from Victoria, BC by Swallow Jewellery
Sage leaf imprinted ring from Victoria, BC by Swallow Jewellery
Sage leaf imprinted ring from Victoria, BC by Swallow Jewellery
Sage leaf imprinted ring from Victoria, BC by Swallow Jewellery
Sage leaf imprinted ring from Victoria, BC by Swallow Jewellery
Sage leaf imprinted ring from Victoria, BC by Swallow Jewellery

Sage leaf imprinted ring from Victoria, BC

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We've been wanting for a while to start a garden or herb series with our creations. One of our closest friends gave us her sage plant before moving away. We don't have an expert-level green thumb but this sage plant made us look like we knew what we were doing.

The little plant just grew and grew into a huge and wonderful sage plant that we could share with our friends and family. Then one day when I was watering I realized how beautiful the patterns on the leaf were and just had to make it into a ring to share it with all of you.

The sage leaf is approximately 3 cm x 1.3 cm

Please let us know of your size in the note section at checkout.

Please note - this item is handmade and the measurement may vary slightly.

The sage leaf is Fine Silver (99% Silver)
The rest of the ring is nickel-free Sterling Silver

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