Have you been to Tofino? It’s on the Western edge of Vancouver Island, located as far west as you can drive in Canada. There, you’ll find remote beaches strewn with driftwood, sand dollars and dense coastal rainforests that have remained untouched for thousands of years; bears and eagles, seals and sea otters and all kinds of wildlife.
Once again we were gifted this little gem by our good friends when they took a family trip to Tofino. It was on request actually, because we had been searching for many years for the right mini scallop shell. They found this little beaut on Chesterman Beach. Thank you, friends, we are very grateful for your beachcombing skills.
The charm is approximately 1.5 cm wide and 1.6 cm long
The chain is Sterling Silver and 46 cm (18") long
(if you'd like a 16" chain instead, please add a note when checking out)
Please note - this item is handmade and the measurement may vary slightly.
The charm is Fine Silver (99% Silver)
The chain is nickel-free Sterling Silver