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Driftwood imprinted wrap ring from Mystic Beach, Vancouver Island from Swallow Jewellery
Driftwood imprinted wrap ring from Mystic Beach, Vancouver Island from Swallow Jewellery
Driftwood imprinted wrap ring from Mystic Beach, Vancouver Island from Swallow Jewellery
Driftwood imprinted wrap ring from Mystic Beach, Vancouver Island from Swallow Jewellery
Driftwood imprinted wrap ring from Mystic Beach, Vancouver Island from Swallow Jewellery
Driftwood imprinted wrap ring from Mystic Beach, Vancouver Island from Swallow Jewellery
Driftwood imprinted wrap ring from Mystic Beach, Vancouver Island from Swallow Jewellery

Driftwood imprinted wrap ring from Mystic Beach, Vancouver Island

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We couldn’t have found a gnarlier piece of driftwood if we tried. On one summer day, we were at Mystic Beach which is located on the west coast of Vancouver Island, Canada, and is part of the Juan de Fuca Trail. It’s a great day-hike spot for many local islanders.

Imagine a place where the fog sits off the shore and then magically lifts around noon to give way to the sun. You can hear the breaking of the waves on the rocky shores and off in the distance, you can see a beautiful waterfall that comes off the high cliffs above and onto the beach. Near the waterfall, someone placed a rope swing that swings you back and forth over the waves and shore. This is truly one of the most magical beaches and it fully lives up to its name “Mystic Beach". That's where we found this special little piece of driftwood when we were collecting firewood.

The single band part is 0.3 cm and the double band part (including space in between bands) is 0.9 cm. Please let us know of your size in the note section at checkout. The size range of the ring is 6 to 8.5.

Please note - this item is handmade and the measurement may vary slightly.

The entire ring is Fine Silver (99% Silver)

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