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Honeycomb imprinted earring studs from Qualicum Falls, Vancouver Island - Swallow Jewellery
Honeycomb imprinted earring studs from Qualicum Falls, Vancouver Island - Swallow Jewellery
Honeycomb imprinted earring studs from Qualicum Falls, Vancouver Island - Swallow Jewellery
Honeycomb imprinted earring studs from Qualicum Falls, Vancouver Island - Swallow Jewellery
Honeycomb imprinted earring studs from Qualicum Falls, Vancouver Island - Swallow Jewellery

Honeycomb imprinted earring studs from Qualicum Falls, Vancouver Island

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We found part of an abandoned paper wasp nest while we were on a hike at Little Qualicum Falls on Vancouver Island. The paper wasp uses fibers from wood and plant stems mixed with their saliva to construct a brown papery material that is used in making their nests. Their cute little honeycomb shape almost looks like small paper umbrellas. These tiny honeycomb studs are just adorable!

The honeycomb is approximately 0.5 cm x 0.8 cm

Please note - this item is handmade and the measurement may vary slightly.

The honeycomb imprint is Fine Silver (99% Silver)
The earring studs are nickel-free Sterling Silver

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