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Barnacle imprinted earring studs from Kin Beach, Vancouver Island - Swallow Jewellery
Barnacle imprinted earring studs from Kin Beach, Vancouver Island - Swallow Jewellery
Barnacle imprinted earring studs from Kin Beach, Vancouver Island - Swallow Jewellery
Barnacle imprinted earring studs from Kin Beach, Vancouver Island - Swallow Jewellery
Barnacle imprinted earring studs from Kin Beach, Vancouver Island - Swallow Jewellery
Barnacle imprinted earring studs from Kin Beach, Vancouver Island - Swallow Jewellery

Barnacle imprinted earring studs from Kin Beach, Vancouver Island

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Every year, we go to a fantastic summer event called Filberg Festival in Comox on Vancouver Island. It's a great working vacation for us as we get to spend the day meeting new folks from the area, tell our stories through our jewellery and in the evening, we have a chance to explore the area. One evening, we ventured out to a beautiful beach called Kin Beach and that's where we found this cluster of barnacles on a shell. Tiny barnacles give an interesting texture and we love how this piece catches the light and shines.    

Small studs diameter approximately 0.7 cm
Medium studs diameter approximately 0.9 cm

Please note - this item is handmade and the measurement may vary slightly.

The barnacle imprint is Fine Silver (99% Silver)
The earring studs are nickel-free Sterling Silver

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